Welcome to LabelSync! I am thrilled to see you here - genuinely, I am smiling while writing this - and I hope LabelSync helps you and your company organise labels in the best way possible.

<aside> ☎️ If you have any question or you need any help with anything whatsoever. Please send us a message to [email protected] and we'll try to help you as soon as we can.


Depending on the type of your account, the setup slightly differs. If you are starting as an organisation, LabelSync already created a new getting started repository for you - continue there or follow the guide below; if you are starting as a personal account read along.

Personal accounts

<aside> 🚧 Github's API doesn't support creating repositories for personal accounts at the moment, that's why you'll have to create the configuration repository on your own. Thank you for being so understanding with the limitations.


Start by creating a Github repository in your personal account. LabelSync by default loads configuration from <user>-labelsync repository. If I were to create the repository for myself, I'd name it maticzav-labelsync. Create one for your account by replacing the <user> part with your Github name.

<aside> ✅ https://github.com/new


Pull the repository to your local machine. GitHub by default sets the default branch to the first committed branch. Since we want to preview our changes, create an empty [README.md](<http://readme.md>) file at the root of your repository and committing the changes to GitHub. This way, we can push changes to another branch and use LabelSync's pull request messages to double check changes before committing to master.

Change Git branch to setup.

git checkout -b setup