YAML is LabelSync's primary configuration language. It's the most up to date configuration specification and allows you to always access all LabelSync's features.

Getting started

Place your configuration in labelsync.yml file at the root of your configuration repository. LabelSync only cares about this one file, and will not change anything unless you change it.

The easiest way to start using YAML is by scaffolding it using our getting started package.

yarn create label-sync --template yaml



I encourage you to split configuration into three parts. The first one, colours, should include all the colours that you'll be using; the second one, labels, should create a set of common labels that you'll place inside each repository; and the third, repos, is where you are going to configure your repositories.

# Colors
  area: &area '#FFD700'
  kind: &kind '#3B5BDB'

# Labels
labels: &common
    color: *bug
    description: A reported bug.
    alias: ["bug"]

# Repositories
      <<: *common
      <<: *common